Farmers around the world are on the front line when it comes to risks associated with climate change, and they are an important part of the process for mitigation and prevention.
Farmers in Australia recognise the importance of their relationship with the environment – sustainable farming measures help to ensure that farming remains a viable profession and that there are resources and jobs to pass down to the next generation.
The Australian Government’s $34 million Agriculture Biodiversity Pilot Program will help to achieve this. The program brings farmers income for projects that boost biodiversity and, where appropriate, absorb carbon. As red meat is one of the major farming industries in Australia, we have an important role to play in creating sustainable habits and bringing about positive change for Australian ecosystems.
Examples of projects that fall under the program would include maintaining and enhancing remnant forest, regeneration of gullies or waterways, and native tree planting. Projects like these have the ability to be specifically tailored for the local environment, aiming to maximise their success. Importantly, these types of programmes also allow farmers to increasingly diversify income streams, so that they can minimise the risk of external factors such as extreme weather events impacting their livelihood.
As we move forward in our efforts to make agribusiness more sustainable, incentives like these around the world are going to make a difference. We hope to see more and more programs and funds being established.
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Article Date: 13th January 2020